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Select bibliography


Advisory Council on the Penal System, Sentences of Imprisonment: A Review of Maximum Penalties (HMSO, London, 1978)

Attorney-General’s Department Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law: Principles of Criminal Responsibility and Other Matters (AGPS, Canberra, 1990)

Australian Law Reform Commission Equality Before the Law: Justice for Women: R69 (Sydney, 1994)

Butler Committee, Report of the Committee on Mentally Abnormal Offenders (HMSO, London, 1975) Cmnd 6244

Crimes Consultative Committee Crimes Bill 1989: Report of the Crimes Consultative Committee (Wellington, 1991)

Criminal Law Revision Committee Offences against the Person, 14th report (HMSO, London, 1980) Cmnd 7844

House of Lords Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment Report of the Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment (HMSO, London, 1989) HL78-I

Judicial Commission of New South Wales Sentenced Homicides in New South Wales 1990–1993 (Sydney, 1995)

Justice and Law Reform Committee Interim Report on the Degrees of Murder Bill [1999] AJHR I8B

Law Commission (England and Wales) Criminal Law: A Criminal Code for England and Wales, Law Com No 177 (HMSO, London, 1989)

Law Reform Commission of Canada Homicide: WP 33 (Ottawa, 1984)

Law Reform Commission of Canada Recodifying Criminal Law: R31 (Ottawa, 1987)

Law Reform Commission of Victoria Homicide: R40 (Melbourne, 1991)

Law Reform Commission of Victoria Mental Malfunction and Criminal Responsibility: R34 (Melbourne, 1990)

Model Criminal Code Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Discussion Paper: Model Criminal Code: Chapter 5: Fatal Offences Against the Person (ACT, Model Criminal Code Officers Committee, 1998)

New South Wales Law Reform Commission Partial Defences to Murder: Diminished Responsibility: R82 (Sydney, 1997)

New South Wales Law Reform Commission Provocation, Diminished Responsibility and Infanticide: DP31 (Sydney, 1993)

New Zealand Criminal Law Reform Committee Report on Culpable Homicide (Wellington, 1976)

New Zealand Law Commission Evidence Code and Commentary: NZLC R55 (Wellington, 1999)

New Zealand Law Commission Succession Law: Homicidal Heirs: NZLC R38 (Wellington, 1997)

Report of the Chief Justice’s Taskforce on Gender Bias (Perth, 1994)

South Australian Domestic Violence Council Domestic Violence (Women’s Adviser’s Office, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide, 1987)

The Validity and Use of Evidence Concerning Battering and Its Effects in Criminal Trials: Report Responding to Section 40507 of the Violence Against Women Act (US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program, National Institute of Justice, US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health, 1996)


Tracey Anderson Murder between Sexual Intimates in New Zealand between 1988–1995 (Research submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in fulfilment of the requirements for the Applied Degree of Masters in Criminology, 1997)

Aristotle The Nicomachean Ethics (Rees Translation)

Lee H Bowker, “A Battered Woman’s Problems are Social, Not Psychological” in Richard J Gelles and Donileen R Loseke (eds) Current Controversies on Family Violence (California, Sage, 1993)

J Briere Psychological Assessment of Adult Posttraumatic States (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1997)

Ruth Busch “Don’t Throw Bouquets at Me ... (Judges) Will Say We’re In Love: an Analysis of New Zealand Judges’ Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence” in Julie Stubbs (ed) Women, Male Violence and the Law (Institute of Criminology and Sydney University Law School, Sydney, 1994)

Ruth Busch Protection from Family Violence: a Study of Protection Orders Under the Domestic Protection Act 1992 (Abridged) (Victims Task Force, Wellington, 1982)

Susanne Dell Murder into Manslaughter (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed, American Psychological Association, Washington, 1994) (DMS IV)

R Emerson Dobash and Russell Dobash Violence Against Wives (Open Books, London, 1980)

Patricia Weiser Easteal Killing the Beloved: Homicide between Adult Intimates (Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, 1993)

Susan Edwards Sex and Gender in the Legal Process (Blackstone Press, London, 1996)

Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers and Stanley Yeo Australian Criminal Justice (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1994)

Arie Freiberg and David Biles The Meaning of Life: a Study of Life Sentences in Australia (AIC, Canberra, 1975)

G Griffith and H Figgis Crimes Amendment (Diminished Responsibility) Bill 1997: Commentary and Background (New South Wales Parliamentary Library Research Service, 1997)

Susan Hayes “Diminished Responsibility: The Expert Witness’ Viewpoint” in Yeo (ed) Partial Excuses to Murder (Federation Press, Sydney, 1990)

Jeremy Horder Provocation and Responsibility (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992)

Elizabeth Hore, Janne Gibson and Sophy Bordow Domestic Homicide (Family Court of Australia, Canberra, 1996)

P Jaffe, N Lemon, J Sandler and D Wolfe Working Together to End Domestic Violence (Mancorp Publishing, Florida, 1996)

Julie Leibrich, Judy Paulin and Robin Ransom Hitting Home: Men Speak about Abuse of Women Partners (Department of Justice in Association with AGB McNair, Wellington, 1995)

Elisabeth McDonald “Criminal Defences for Women” in New Zealand Law Society Women in the Criminal Justice System (New Zealand Law Society, Wellington, 1997)

RD MacKay Mental Condition Defences in the Criminal Law (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995)

Fiona Manning Self-defence and Provocation: Implications for Battered Women who Kill and for Homosexual Victims (New South Wales Parliamentary Library, 1996)

Allison Morris Women’s Safety Survey 1996 (Victimisation Survey Committee, Wellington, 1997)

Gerald Orchard “Culpable Homicide” in AP Simester and Warren J Brookbanks, Principles of Criminal Law (Brookers, Wellington, 1998)

Christopher Peterson, Steven Maier, and Martin Seligman Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993)

Kenneth Polk When Men Kill (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994)

Zoe Rathus Rougher than Usual Handling: Women and the Criminal Justice System (Women’s Legal Service, Brisbane, 1995)

JB Robertson (ed) Adams on Criminal Law (Brookers, Wellington, 1992)

Robert F Schopp Justification Defenses and Just Convictions (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998)

Regina Schuller and Patricia A Hastings “The Scientific Status of Research on Domestic Violence Against Women” in David L Faigman and others Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony (West, Minnesota, 1997)

AP Simester and Warren J Brookbanks Principles of Criminal Law (Brookers, Wellington, 1998)

JC Smith and Brian Hogan Criminal Law (7th ed, Butterworths, London, 1992)

Jan E Stets Domestic Violence and Control (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988)

Julie Stubbs and Julia Tolmie “Battered Woman Syndrome in Australia: A Challenge to Gender Bias in the Law?” in Julie Stubbs (ed) Women, Male Violence and the Law (Institute of Criminology, Sydney, 1994)

Lenore E Walker The Battered Woman (Harper and Row, New York, 1979)

Lenore E Walker The Battered Woman Syndrome (Springer, New York, 1984)

Lenore E Walker “The Battered Woman Syndrome is a Psychological Consequence of Abuse” in Richard J Gelles and Donileen R Loske (eds) Current Controversies on Family Violence (Sage, London, 1993)

Stanley Yeo Unrestrained Killings and the Law (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1998)


Judith Ablett Kerr “A Licence to Kill or an Overdue Reform?: The Case of Diminished Responsibility” (1997) 9 Otago LR 1

Judith Ablett Kerr “The Criminal Justice System: Crying Out for a Royal Commission or Merely Crying Over Spilt Milk?” (1998) 507 LawTalk 13

Suzanne Beri “Justice for Women Who Kill: A New Way?” (1997) 8 A Fem LJ 113

Rebecca Bradfield “Is Near Enough Good Enough? Why Isn’t Self-defence Appropriate for the Battered Woman?” (1998) 5 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 71

Helen Brown “Provocation as a Defence to Murder: To Abolish or to Reform?” (1999) 12 A Fem LJ 137

Jane Maslow Cohen “Regimes of Private Tyranny: What do they Mean to Morality and for the Criminal Law?” (1996) 57 U Pitt LR 757

D Dutton and S Painter (1993) “The Battered Woman Syndrome: Effects of Severity and Intermittency of Abuse” (1993) 63 Amer J Orthopsychiat 614

Mary Anne Dutton “Understanding Women’s Responses to Domestic Violence: A Redefinition of Battered Woman Syndrome” (1993) 21 Hofstra L Rev 1191

Susan Edwards “Battered Woman Syndrome” (1992) 142 NLJ 1350

Susan Edwards “Battered Women Who Kill” (1990) 140 NLJ 1380

David L Faigman (1986) “The Battered Woman Syndrome and Self-Defense: A Legal and Empirical Dissent” (1986) 72 Va L Rev 619

David L Faigman and Amy J Wright “The Battered Woman Syndrome in the Age of Science” (1997) 39 Ariz L Rev 67

Karla Fischer, Neil Vidmar and Rene Ellis “The Culture of Battering and the Role of Mediation in Domestic Violence Cases” (1993) 46 SMU L Rev 2117

Irene Hanson Frieze “Investigating the Causes and Consequences of Marital Rape” (1983) 8 Signs 532

Walter J Gleason “Mental Disorders in Battered Women: An Empirical Study” (1993) 1 Violence and Victims 53

E Griew “The Future of Diminished Responsibility” [1988] Crim LR 75

Marybeth K Hendricks-Matthews “Survivors of Abuse” (1993) 20 Family Violence and Abusive Relationships 391

Elaine Hilberman and Kit Munson “Sixty Battered Women” (1977) 2 Victimology 460

Jeremy Horder “Sex, Violence, and Sentencing in Provocation Cases” [1989] Crim LR 546

Adrian Howe “Reforming Provocation (More or Less)” (1999) 12 A Fem LJ 127

Marilyn McMahon “Battered Women and Bad Science: The Limited Validity and Utility of Battered Woman Syndrome” (1999) 6 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 23

Elisabeth McDonald “Defending Abused Women: Beginning a Critique of New Zealand Criminal Law” (1997) 27 VUWLR 673

Elisabeth McDonald “Provocation, Sexuality and the Actions of ‘Thoroughly Decent Men’” (1993) 9 Women’s Studies Journal 126

Elisabeth McDonald “Women Offenders and Compulsion” (1997) NZLJ 402

Holly Maguigan “Battered Women and Self-Defence: Myths and Misconceptions in Current Reform Proposals” (1991) 140 U Pa L Rev 379

Martha R Mahoney “Legal Images of Battered Women: Redefining the Issue of Separation” (1991) 90 Mich L Rev 1

“Minnitt” The Evening Post, Wellington, New Zealand, 5 August 1980, 34

Donald Nicolson and Rohit Sanghvi “Battered Women and Provocation: The Implications of R v Ahluwalia” (1993) Crim LR 728

Noel O’Brien “Excessive Self-Defence: A Need for Legislation” (1983) 25 Crim LQ 441

Gerald Orchard “The Defence of Compulsion” (1980) 9 NZULR 105

Bruce Robertson “Battered Woman Syndrome: Expert Evidence in Action” (1998) 9 Otago LR 277

Neville Robertson and Ruth Busch “Not in Front of the Children – the Literature on Spousal Violence and its Effects on Children” (1994) 1 BFLJ 107

Susan M Ross “Risk of Physical Abuse to Children of Spouse Abusing Parents” (1996) 20 Child Abuse and Neglect 589

Elizabeth M Schneider “Resistance to Equality” (1996) 57 U Pitt L Rev 477

Regina A Schuller and Neil Vidmar “Battered Woman Syndrome Evidence in the Courtroom: A Review of the Literature” (1992) 16 Law & Hum Behavior 273

Nan Seuffert “Battered Women and Self-Defence” (1996–97) 17 NZULR 292

Nan Seuffert “Domestic Violence, Discourses of Romantic Love, and Complex Personhood in the Law” (1999) 23 Melb U LR 211

Stella Tarrant, “Something is Pushing Them to the Side of their Own Lives: a Feminist Critique of Law and Laws” (1990) 20 UWAL Rev 573

Martin Wasik “Cumulative Provocation and Domestic Killing” [1982] Crim LR 29

Fran Wright “Does New Zealand Need a Diminished Responsibility Defence?” (1998) 2 Yearbook New Zealand Jurisprudence 109

“Winz Pays for At-Risk People to Shift to Aussie” The Dominion, Wellington, New Zealand, 30 May 2000, 1


Bedder v Director of Public Prosecutions [1954] 1 WLR 1119 (HL)

Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland v Lynch [1975] AC 653 (HL)

HM Advocate v Dingwall (1867) 5 Irvine 466

Kapi v Ministry of Transport (1992) 8 CRNZ 49 (CA)

London Borough of Southwark v Williams [1971] 2 All ER 175 (CA)

Luc Thiet Thuan v R [1997] AC 131 (PC: Hong Kong)

Mancini v Director of Public Prosecutions [1942] AC 1 (HL)

Muy Ky Chhay (1994) 72 A Crim R 1

NZ Police v Anthoni [1997] DCR 1035

NZ Police v Kawiti (28 July 1999) unreported, High Court, Whangarei Registry, AP 29/99

NZ Police v Kawiti (4 November 1999) unreported, District Court, Kaikohe, CRN 8027003705, 8027008070-1

Palmer v R [1971] AC 814 (PC)

Perka v R (1985) 14 CCC (3d) 385 (SCC)

R v Ahluwalia [1992] 4 All ER 889 (CA)

R v Albury-Thomson (31 July 1998) unreported, High Court, Palmerston North Registry, T37/97

R v Atofia [1997] DCR 1053

R v Atofia (15 December 1997) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA 53/9, CA 455/97

R v Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App R 125 (CCA)

R v Byrne [1960] 2 QB 396 (CCA)

R v Campbell [1997] 1 NZLR 16 (CA)

R v Conway [1989] QB 290, 298 (CA)

R v Cox (1968) 52 Cr Ap R 130 (CA)

R v Dudley and Stephens (1884) 14 QBD 273

R v Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932n (CCA)

R v Fitzpatrick [1977] NI 20

R v Gordon (1993) 10 CRNZ 430 (CA)

R v Hobson [1997] Crim LR 759 (CA)

R v Howe (1958) 100 CLR 448 (HC)

R v Howe [1987] AC 417 (HL)

R v Hudson and Taylor [1971] 2 QB 202 (CA)

R v Humphries [1995] 4 All ER 1008 (CA)

R v Hurley [1967] VR 526 (SC)

R v Joyce [1968] NZLR 1070 (CA)

R v Lalonde (1995) 22 OR (3d) 275

R v Lamont (27 April 1992) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA 442/91

R v Lavellee [1990] 1 SCR 852

R v Loughnan [1981] VR 443 (SC)

R v Martin [1989] 1 All ER 652 (CA)

R v Maurirere (2 March 2000) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA461/99

R v McCarthy [1992] 2 NZLR 550 (CA)

R v McGregor [1962] NZLR 1069 (CA)

R v Novis (5 February 1988), unreported, High Court, Hamilton Registry, T 42/87

R v Oakes [1995] 2 NZLR 673 (CA)

R v Osland (1998) 159 ALR 170 (HC)

R v Pita (1989) 4 CRNZ 660 (CA)

R v R (1981) 28 SASR 321 (SC)

R v Raroa [1987] 2 NZLR 486 (CA)

R v Richards (15 October 1998) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA 272/98

R v Rongonui, (13 April 2000) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA124/99

R v Ross (16 July 1992) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA 76/92

R v Secretary (1996) 107 NTR 1 (Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, Court of Criminal Appeal)

R v Sharp [1987] QB 853 (CA)

R v Shepherd (1988) 86 Cr App R 47 (CA)

R v Smith (14 October 1994) unreported, Court of Appeal, CA 263/94

R v Smith (Morgan) [1999] QB 1079 (CA)

R v Steane [1947] KB 997 (CCA)

R v Stead (1991) 7 CRNZ 291 (CA)

R v Taaka [1982] 2 NZLR 198 (CA)

R v Teichelman [1981] 2 NZLR 64 (CA)

R v Tepu (11 December 1998) unreported, High Court, Wellington Registry, T 889/98

R v Thornton (No 2) [1996] 1 WLR 1174 (CA)

R v Wang [1990] 2 NZLR 529 (CA)

R v Witika [1993] 2 NZLR 424 (CA)

R v Woolnough [1977] 2 NZLR 508 (CA)

Ruka v Department of Social Welfare [1997]

1 NZLR 154 (CA)

Runjanjic and Kontinnen (1991) 56 SASR 114 (SC)

Tifaga v Department of Labour [1980] 2 NZLR 235 (CA)

Veen (No 1) (1979) 143 CLR 458

Veen (No 2) (1988) 164 CLR 465

Viro v R (1978) 141 CLR 88 (HC)

Zecevic v R [1987] 162 CLR 645 (HC)

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