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Victoria University of Wellington Law Review |
Izzard, Toni A A Code of Claimants' Rights – Justified Intervention or Over-Reaction?
Baer, Leonard The Ombudsman Scheme in New Zealand and the System of Legal Protection under Administrative Law in Germany
Daly, Nicola Is Judicial Review being Watered Down? The Justification for Judicial Review and its Application in Recent New Zealand Decisions
Hare, Lucy Ministers' Personal Appointees: Part Politician, Part Bureaucrat
Jackson, Fiona Sex and the City: Are Local Councils Undermining the Purpose of the Prostitution Reform Act?
Niven, Peter The Principle of Proportionality and Section 5 of the Bill of Rights: Controlling Administrative Action
Standage, Jane An Overview of the Proposed Independent Police Complaints Authority
Whittfield, Nicola J An Analysis of the Operation of the Protected Disclosure Act in the Public Sector
Vogler, Yvonne Air Travel: Privacy?
Brill, Michael The Balancing Approach of R v Shaheed: A Change towards More Transparency and Flexibility in the Law of Evidence
Brown, Charlotte Censorship for Art's Sake
Edlin, Nicholas Sir Robin Cooke and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Griffin, Trudie The Exclusion of Evidence: Is it an Effective Remedy for Breaches of Rights? Policy and Practice
Jelas, June Scandalising the Court: A Reasonable Limitation on Freedom of Expression
Loan, Jeffrey National Security and the Use of Classified Information: An Analysis of the Security Risk Certificate
Macpherson, Elizabeth Regulating Hate Speech in New Zealand
Ng, Stephanie Leave Me Alone! Should the Right of Privacy be Included in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990?
Niven, Peter The Principle of Proportionality and Section 5 of the Bill of Rights: Controlling Administrative Action
Northover, Hannah A BORA Section 19 Challenge to the Foreshore and Seabed Legislation
Percy, Rachel The Effect of a Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression on Defamation Laws
Pulley, Karyn To Write the Right to Property: The Right to Property in New Zealand and its Possible Inclusion in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Walker, Charlotte New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Section 7: Is it Time for a Radical Overhaul
White-Robinson, Mark New Zealand Remedial Rights Law: A Rights-Centred Approach to Remedies for New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Breaches
Wilke, Sebastian When does Invasive Police Conduct Require a Positive Source of Law? Different Approaches in Germany and New Zealand
Gillbanks, Trina Separation and Family Trusts: An Analysis of Section 44C of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976
Loan, Michael Charity Law after Latimer
Palmer, Stephen The Political Purpose Trust: Deserving of Charitable Status
Becker, Christian Openness of the New Zealand Market to Imported Goods (LLM Thesis)
Holl, Dany Comparative Advertising in New Zealand: The Interplay between the General Laws and the Comparative Code
Muraleedharan, Joby Compatibility of Competition Law with Competition Policy in Developing Countries: An Indian Perspective
Xygalas, Lisa Marie The Treatment of NZ Venture Capital Fund Investors
Bracken, Gerard Matthew Loss Attribution by Loss Attributing Qualifying Companies that are Members of a Group of Companies
Bryant, Catherine Examples of Ignoring the Corporate Veil in Income Taxation
Chung, Michelle Corporate Privacy: An Unjustifiable Anomaly
Eckhoff, Lars Voidable Transactions in New Zealand and Germany: A Comparison
Erlenwein, Carina The New Statutory Continuous Disclosure Regime in New Zealand: Was it Necessary?
Frost, Carsten Transfer of Company's Seat in Europe: An Unfolding Story
Kallweit, Dominik The US Limited Liability Company: A Role Model for German Company Law
Knipe, Phil A Pound of Flesh: The Law Relating to the Liability of Company Directors for Insolvent Trading in New Zealand
Krackhardt, Oliver Beyond the Neem Tree Conflict: Questions of Corporate Behaviour in a Globalised World
Krackhardt, Oliver New Rules for Corporate Governance in the US and Germany: A Model for NZ?
Lutz, Henning Transparency in Merger Control: Fact or Fiction?
Arakaki, Osamu Refugee Law and Practice in Japan: A Comparative Critique and Proposals (PhD Thesis)
Baer, Leonard Resource Management Law in NZ and Germany
Baer, Leonard The Ombudsman Scheme in New Zealand and the System of Legal Protection under Administrative Law in Germany
Borchardt, Anja The Influence of Privatisation on Employment Law: A European Perspective on the New Zealand Experiment
Dentice, Andrew Opportunity lost? A New Zealand Prspective on the Abolition of the Lord Chancellor's Office
Duncan, Tiffany Property Rghts as an Assignment of Power in the Constitutions of England and the United States of America: Problems and the Options for Reform
Falkner, Tobias Novel and Traditional Means of Fighting Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Comparison of International, Regional and National Legal Regimes
Feistritzer, Florian Independence and Impartiality of the International Criminal Court (A Comparison to the Standards of Independence and Impartiality in the Canadian Legal System)
Foitzik, Robert The New Zealand Legal System from a German Law Perspective
Hempelmann, Sigrid The Age of Criminal Responsibility: A Jailbird at the Age of Twelve (A Comparison of the German and NZ Legislation)
Hempelmann, Sigrid Workplace Bullying: Is the German and NZ Legislation Sufficient?
Hollmass, Kay Markus The Government Procurement Agreement: A Comparison with EC Procurement Law in Terms of Compatibility
Jackson, Karen "Symonds Says": Aboriginal Title to the Foreshore and Seabed? The Foreshore and Seabed Bill 2004 and the Common Law of Canada: A Comparative Perspective
Jordans, Roman The Approach to Consumer Protection in Selected National Legislations: A Comparative Study
Kaiser, Andreas The Right of Children to Know their Descent in New Zealand and Germany: The Impact of New Reproductive Technologies
Kallweit, Dominik The US Limited Liability Company: A Role Model for German Company Law
Krackhardt, Oliver New Rules for Corporate Governance in the US and Germany: A Model for NZ?
Kung, Wenmei Hannah Comparative Constitutional Law: Entrenchment, the Rule of Law, and the Safeguard of Rights
Lamers, David Performance-Ehancing Drug Abuse and Tortius Liability: Can the Runner-U Recover Economic Loss? A Comparison of the New Zealand and the German Law of Torts
Möller, Markus The Law of Privacy: A Comparison of New Zealand and Germany
Nachtwey, Joerg Two Kinds of Constitution: A Comparison between Germany and New Zealand
Schroder, Mark On the Crest of a Wave: Indigenous Title and Claims to the Water Resource: A Comparative Study of Indigenous Title in the United States of America, Canada, NZ and Australia Featuring an Analysis of Indigenous Title Claims to the Water Resource in New Zealand with Reference to the United States, Canadian and Australian Positions
Siegmund, Renate A Comparative Study: Redundancy in New Zealand and Germany
Smith, Conrad The Use of Political Economy to Explain Constitutional Differences
Von Der Goltz, Benedikt Gridlock in International Commercial Contract Law? A Guide for the Handling of CISG, the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the European Principles of Contract Law
Wilke, Sebastian When does Invasive Police Conduct Require a Positive Source of Law? Different Approaches in Germany and New Zealand
Winkler, Claudia The Electoral Systems in Germany and in New Zealand
Winkler, Claudia The Legislation of the Sex Industry: A Comparison Between NZ and the Federal Republic of Germany
Zehelein, Gernot The Distinction between Independent Contractor and Employee in NZ and Germany
Brickell, Scott The "Complaining Competitor": Do Competitors Pose a Threat to the Process of Merger Review in New Zealand?
Hempelmann, Sigrid Is there a Need for Specific Regulatory Oversight of Telecommunications Activities?
Horner, John Business Acquisition Procedures under the Commerce Act 1986: A Trans-Tasman Competition Authority
Jenkins, Simon Changing the Merger Threshold and the Subsequent Progressive Debacle
Jordans, Roman The Approach to Consumer Protection in Selected National Legislations: A Comparative Study
Karl, Jason A "New School" Approach to the Economic Regulation of New Zealand's Gas Pipelines
Lewis, Willie Information, Advertising, Competition and Efficiency: the Law's Response to Price Dispersion in Markets for Homogeneous Products
Lulich, John Taking Care of Unfinished Trans-Tasman Business: Further Harmonisation of Australian and New Zealand Competition Law
Lutz, Henning Competition Law Enforcement Penalties and Procedures Further Reform Options for New Zealand
Robinson, Richard Social Policy or Public Benefit: How Should the Social Dimension of Competition Law Be Considered?
Rutherford, David Competition Law and Professional Rugby Union in Europe and Australasia
White, Jessica Does Price Fixing Truly Deserve the Per Se Rule?
Azfar, Azim Contracts in Violation of Foreign Laws: An English Private International Law Perspective on the Islamic Law of Finance in Pakistan
Grainer, Jacob The Authorisation of Copyright Infringement Across Borders
Potter, William "Come Over Here and Say That" Internet Defamation Across Borders
Vietor, Ulrich A Codification of the New Zealand Conflict of Laws Rules
Austin, Ben An Analysis of Constitutional Courts: Prospects for Reform
Austin, Ben Economic and Social Rights in South Africa's Constitution
Besier, Antoinette Citizenship on the Agenda: A Rights-Based Assessment of the Meaning of Citizenship
Bruns, Stefan The New Zealand Form of Direct Democracy: The Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993: Over Ten Years of Citizens Initiated Referenda in New Zealand: An Attempt to Evaluate the Experience
Cassie, Jennifer The Crown Entity: Where did it Come from and Where is it Going under the Crown Entities Bill?
Clark, Edward The Needs of the Many and the Needs of the Few: A New System of Public Interest Intervention for New Zealand
Cleghorn, Sarah Is your Vacancy Section Really Necessary?
Cubitt, Adele Making International Human Rights Obligations a Reality through the Development of National Action Plans: New Zealand's Example
Cuncliffe Mark Towards a Better Constitution
Duckworth, James Constitutional Fundamentals in Tuvalu after Kilei and Latasi: How can the Role of Parliament be Strengthened?
Duncan, Tiffany Property Rights as an Assignment of Power in the Constitutions of England and the United States of America: Problems and the Options for Reform
Frater, Charlotte The Maori Seats in Parliament: Continuing Justifications for Guaranteed Representation
Grau, Karen Constructive Approaches to Judicial Independence and Accountability: To Err is Human – Unless you are a Judge?
Hook, Gordon The Constitutional Status of Military Tribunals: Paradigm Lost, Paradigm Regained: A Critical Analysis of New Zealand Military Justice in Light of International Trends (PhD Thesis)
Karl, Jason Parliamentary Privilege in New Zealand and the Codification Imperative
Keane, Jane Independent Yet Accountable? The Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Judicial Conduct Panel Act 2004
Kent, Rachel How New Zealand Law and Policy Makers Treat Older People
Kung, Wenmei Hannah Comparative Constitutional Law: Entrenchment, the Rule of Law, and the Safeguard of Rights
Mckeever, Fionnuala Contemptuous Influence? A Discussion of the Offence of Contempt of Court (By Influencing a Litigant or Influencing the Court) in Light of the Decision in Solicitor-General v Smith
Mills, Alison Constitutional Failure in Solomon Islands: The Difficulties of Reform
Montague, Martin The Inherent Value of a Right: A Comparative Analysis of Compensation for Breaches of Constitutional Rights
Nachtwey, Joerg Two Kinds of Constitution: A Comparison between Germany and New Zealand
Nieschalk, Malte Could "Berlusconi" Happen in New Zealand?
Nieschalk, Malte Does New Zealand Law Ensure Fair Competition between Political Parties?
Nightingale, Dhilum Government Policy Contracts: A Conceptual and Legal Analysis
Prebble, Rebecca Constitutional Statutes and Implied Repeal: The Decision in Thoburn and the Consequences for New Zealand
Richter, Markus Party Hopping Legislation
Roff, Rachel Laura Ruminations on Improving the Parliamentary Scrutiny Process
Ryan, Caitlin The End of an Empire: Developing a Draft Constitution for Pitcairn Island
Sauereisen, Ulrich Parliamentary Sovereignty: Just a Smoke Screen?
Siedentopf, Johannes Europe Crossing the Crossroads: The Convention's Response to the Laeken Declaration
Smith, Conrad The Use of Political Economy to Explain Constitutional Differences
Taylor, Jessica Seven Maori Seats: Is this Democracy?
Tomblin, Emma Local Government and the Constitution: Protecting Local Autonomy and Local Democracy
Waitai, Rana A Critique of New Zealand Anti-Terrorism Legislation
Waitai, Rana The Place of Maori Sovereignty in the New Zealand Constitution
Walker, Charlotte A Case Note on Solicitor-General v Smith & Ors [2004] NZHC 1223; [2004] 2 NZLR 540; Scandalising the Court: The Time has Come for Codification
Walker, Charlotte New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 s 7; Is it Time for a Radical Overhaul?
Winkler, Claudia The Electoral Systems in Germany and in New Zealand
Azfar, Azim Contracts in Violation of Foreign Laws: An English Private International Law Perspective on the Islamic Law of Finance in Pakistan
Cuncannon, Fionnghuala The Case for Specific Performance as the Primary Remedy for Breach of Contract in New Zealand
Eckhoff, Lars Voidable Transactions in New Zealand and Germany: A Comparison
Hilton, Andrea Reconciling Articles 14 and 15 of the CISG: Price an Essential Element of Contract Formation
Juan, Zeng Li Which Rule to Solve the "Battle of the Forms" in International Trade: A Study of CISG and UCC Section 2-207
Kallweit, Dominik Towards a European Contract Law: For a Prosperous Future of International Trade
Lutz, Henning Criticism of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): Justified or Ancient?
Shkopiak, Talitha The Applicability of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to Computer Software License Transactions
Bostedt, Frederic Does the Sentence of Preventive Detention in NZ Infringe the Human Rights of Dangerous Offenders?
Coulson, Michelle Are New Zealand Inmates Afforded Adequate Human Rights Protection? (LLM Thesis)
Hempelmann, Sigrid The Age of Criminal Responsibility: A Jailbird at the Age of Twelve (A Comparison of the German and NZ Legislation)
Cowan, Anna Reforming New Zealand's Law on Sexual Offending: An Assessment of the Crimes Amendment Bills 2003
Düwert, Henning Does R v Andersen Abolish the Ambiguity? An Assessment of Criminal Nuisance and its Problems
Geiringer, Felix Offensive Law: The Law of Offensive Behaviour in New Zealand
Jelas, June The Proceeds of Crime Act 1991: Undertakings from the Crown
Malik, Amit Policing the Police: The Discretion to Arrest for Minor Offences
Mckeever, Fionnuala Contemptuous Influence? A Discussion of the Offence of Contempt of Court (by Influencing a Litigant or Influencing the Court) in Light of the Decision in Solicitor-General v Smith
Ramsay, Scott Sports Event Safety: Criminal Liability for Sports Event Managers
Roil, Richard Duress of Circumstances and Necessity in NZ
Vaughan- Sanders, Natalie A Uniform Approach to Sexual Abuse in New Zealand: An Analysis of the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 and the Guardianship Act 1968
Walker, Charlotte A Case Note on Solicitor-General v Smith & Ors [2004] NZHC 1223; [2004] 2 NZLR 540; Scandalising the Court: The Time has Come for Codification
Waitai, Rana A Critique of New Zealand Anti-Terrorism Legislation
Wedde, Frances Victim Refusal to Testify in Domestic Violence Cases: Can "Victimless Prosecutions" Provide the Answers?
Wilson, Christopher Injustices and Anomalies in the New Zealand Defences of Compulsion and Duress: Where to from Here?
Wright, Fran How Battered Defendants Fell through the Gap (LLM Thesis)
Fusswinkel, Oliver The Role and Status of NGO's in Modern Conflict Resolution: Does International Law Reflect the Status Quo?
Foukona, Joseph D Solomon Islands: A Nation of Islands in Conflict
Goschzik, Benjamin Religion and Conflicts
Kemper, Barbara Intranational Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism and Terrorism in the Basque Region
Nachtwey, Joerg The Former Yugoslavia: An Examination of the Conflict until the Dayton Peace Agreements
Perinpanayagam, N Conflict Resolution in War Torn Sri Lanka
Persson, Robert Elements of Violence in the Context of Intra State Conflict Management: The Case of Northern Ireland
Waterworth, Jennifer Nongovernmental Organisations: Designing and Implementing Effective Intervention
Wirakara, Rizal Track Two Diplomacy: An Approach to Disputes Resolution in the South China Sea
Wirakara, Rizal Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and Management of Dispute in Asean: A Case of Sipadan and Ligitan Islands
Siedentopf, Johannes State and Religion in Educational Context
Düwert, Henning Medicines via Internet and the Impact on Civil Liabilities: An Assessment of the Situation in New Zealand, the United States of America and the United Kingdom
Kellett, Simon Spam: No Longer Hard to Swallow: A Prospective Legislative Definition of Spam to be Used as a Basis for Anti-Spam Legislation
Potter, William "Come Over Here and Say That" Internet Defamation Across Borders
Richter, Markus You've Got Mail! Recent Anti-Spam Legislation in the United States and Germany
Shanks, David Online Trading and Privacy
Shkopiak, Talitha The Applicability of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to Computer Software License Transactions
Singh, Shereendar Electronic Commerce and Malaysia: Addressing Legal Concerns of Various Requirements in an Electronic Environment
Auld, Tracee Nationalisation in New Zealand: A Legislative and Labour History of Coal
Borchardt, Anja Employment Dispute Resolution by Mediation: Does Good Faith Apply?
Borchardt, Anja The Influence of Privatisation on Employment Law: A European Perspective on the New Zealand Experiment
Buschbaum, Jörg Collective Bargaining under the Employment Relations Act 2000: Time for Another Change?
Buschbaum, Jörg The Protection of Employees in the Event of a Transfer of Undertaking: Where should New Zealand Go?
Chen, Ping Redundancy
Cornegé, Phillip Injunctive Relief in the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court
Geoghegan, Emmett Special Leave in NZ: Current Law, Changes in the Wind and Topical Issues
Hall, Alastair Procedural Fairness: The Impact of "Good Employer" Obligations on New Zealand Police Disciplinary Procedures
Hempelmann, Sigrid Workplace Bullying: Is the German and NZ Legislation Sufficient?
Huang, Shuguang Good Faith and Consultation in Employment Law
Rutherford, David Employer and Employee in Professional Rugby Union: One Team or Two Sides
Scotland, Blair The Employment Court and the Court of Appeal: Conflict in the Approach to Redundancy Law from the Labour Relations Act to the Employment Relations Act
Siegmund, Renate A Comparative Study: Redundancy in New Zealand and Germany
Sijbrant, Lynne Rugby Union: One Country for Life: A Reasonable and Justified Regulation?
Sissons, Timothy Personal Grievances: A Review of the Current Law and the Changes Proposed in the Employment Relations Law Reform Bill
Stolze, Ralf A Minimum Age of Employment: Time for New Zealand to Withdraw its Reservation to ILO Convention 138 and the UNCRC?
Waterworth, Jennifer Pre-Employment Rights and Obligations: Is the Current Legislative Scheme Adequate?
Weber, Katja When is an Arbitrator Biased in Commercial Arbitration: Is there an International Standard?
Whibley, Sarah Employment Law: An Application to the Dairy Farming Industry
Whittfield, Nicola Collection and Use of an Employee's Health Information: A Proposed Code of Practice
Wong, Debbie Providing "Commercial Sexual Services": Not an Easy Affair Following the Prostitution Reform Act 2003
Zehelein, Gernot The Distinction between Independent Contractor and Employee in NZ and Germany
Besier, Antoinette Leaving it all to the Resource Management Act 1991: The Demise of the Tort of Private Nuisance
Falkner, Tobias Novel and Traditional Means of Fighting Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Comparison of International, Regional and National Legal Regimes
Fox, Phillippa Trade and Environment in the New Round
Gustafsson, Helena The Price of Fresh Air: Carbon Trading under the Kyoto Protocol
Kersey, Christian Protecting Cultural and Biological Diversity: Access and Benefit Sharing Governance in International Environmental Law
Ma, Giai-Mau A Liability Regime for Damage Caused by Transboundary Movement of Genetically Modified Organisms
Ma, Giai-Mau The Fragmentation between International Trade Law and International Environmental Law: Is Article 31(3)(C) VCLT the Missing Link?
Marshall, Lisa Fisheries Management in the South Pacific: Achievements and Prospects
Michels, Lars The Agreement of the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: European Communities: Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products
Nightingale, Dhilum Voluntary Environmental Partnerships: A Solution to the Problem of Packaging Waste in New Zealand?
Stolze, Ralph The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in a New Environment Organisation
Tenew, Yvonne Liberalization of the German Water Service Sector
Varuhas, Jason One Person Can Make a Difference: An Individual Petition System for International Environmental Law
Vogler, Yvonne Silke Ships' Ballast Water: The Use of the Precautionary Principle on National and International Level
Wilson, Marion The New Frontier in Sustainable Development: The World Summit on Sustainable Development Type II Partnerships
Yardley, Michelle Should the Intergenerational Equity Requirement in the Resource Management Act 1991 (Section 5(2)(a)) be Applied to Minerals (Specifically Petroleum)?
Young, Fleur Applying the Managerial and Enforcement Theories of Compliance to the MARPOL Regime and the Continuing Problem of Illegal Oil Discharges from Ships
Zandke-Schaffhauser, Birgit Improving Enforcement of International Environmental Law by Enhancing Environmental Democracy
Brill, Michael The Balancing Approach of R v Shaheed: A Change Towards More Transparency and Flexibility in the Law of Evidence
Frey, Markus Addressing the Reliability of Expert Witnesses: A Comparative Study
Griffin, Trudie The Exclusion of Evidence: Is it an Effective Remedy for Breaches of Rights? Policy and Practice
Scott, Rebecca Unrepresented Accused Persons and Criminal Procedure: Cross-examination of Witnesses and Complainants by the Accused
Digby, Geoff Family Trusts [Nudge Nudge Wink Wink]
Fackney, Emily Guardianship over the Unborn Child: Case and Comment: Re an Unborn Child
Gillbanks, Trina Separation and Family Trusts: An Analysis of Section 44C of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976
Grewal, Govind A Separate System of Family Law for New Zealand Muslims
Jingchun, Cao Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage
Johnston, Anna A Children's Rights Perspective on the Care of Children Bill
Kaiser, Andreas The Right of Children to Know their Descent in New Zealand and Germany: The Impact of New Reproductive Technologies
Meech, Jessica An Assessment of the Future Direction of the Family Court in New Zealand
Newland, Kristy Legislating Openness in Donor Insemination: A Critical Assessment of the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill's Information Scheme
Parker, Sarah Legal Parentage of Children Conceived through Assisted Reproductive Technology: Mistaken Conception and the Law
Scott, Rebecca Legislation Note: The "Serious Injustice" Debate: Section 88(2) Property (Relationships) Act 1976
Siedenbiedel, Mirjam Civil Unions in New Zealand
Siedenbiedel, Mirjam Transsexual Minors, Hormone Treatment, and the Law
Vaughan-Sanders, Natalie A Uniform Approach to Sexual Abuse in New Zealand: An Analysis of the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 and the Guardianship Act 1968
Wedde, Frances Victim Refusal to Testify in Domestic Violence Cases: Can "Victimless Prosecutions" Provide the Answers?
Datan, Merav Women, Peace and Security: A Feminist Analysis of Security Council Resolution 1325
Mawson, Rebekah An Evaluation of New Zealand's Process of Reporting to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Barnett, Anna The Gambling Act 2003: Don't Bet on it
Beverly, Wendy The Legal Implications of the Crown Entity Statutory Corporation Model and Public Law Obligations on the Governance of District Health Boards
Duckworth, James Resource Allocation and the Issue of Underfunding: The Problem of Providing Health Systems in Small Island States
Gillbanks, Trina The Obesity Epidemic: What should the Government do?
Harbrow, Helena The Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act: An Innovative Regime?
Hart, Sarah The Regulation of Therapeutic Advertising in New Zealand
Holmes, Carin The Discipline Provision in the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003: Will this Change be Good for the Disciplining of Doctors?
Johnston, Anna Regulation of Practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in New Zealand
Saunders, Darryl Primary Health Organisations: Are Health Reforms a Justifiable Case for Economic Duress?
Sing, Sherenndar Kaur Patents and the HIV/AIDS Drug Crisis in Developing Countries: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment
Walker, Charlotte Seclusion in the Mental Health System: Are the Legal Safeguards Adequate in Light of Solitary Confinement Controversy?
Weber, Katja Remedies for Consumers of Health Services in Germany and NZ: How Effective?
Ainsworth, Mark Addressing International Regulatory Issues Regarding Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: Development of the Global Compact
Besier, Antoinette Citizenship on the Agenda: A Rights-Based Assessment of the Meaning Citizenship
Bostedt, Frederic Does the Sentence of Preventive Detention in NZ Infringe the Human Rights of Dangerous Offenders?
Coulson, Michelle Are New Zealand Inmates Afforded Adequate Human Rights Protection? (LLM Thesis)
Hadfield, Kate Equality, Discrimination and Affirmative Action: A Hypothetical Challenge to the Maori Admissions Programme Operated by the Victoria University of Wellington School of Law
Hendrie, Kai Redressing Inequality or Discrimination? The Legality of the Maori Admissions Process for Second Year Law Students at Victoria University of Wellington under Section 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Joe, Carina Religious Fraud: A Price of Religious Freedom?
Kent, Rachel How New Zealand Law and Policy Makers Treat Older People
Loan, Jeffrey National Security and the Use of Classified Information: An Analysis of the Security Risk Certificate
Loan, Jeffrey Sosa v Alvarez-Machain: Extraterritorial Abduction and the Rights of Individuals under International Law
Oudyn, Sacha The Guantanamo Detainees: A Discussion of the Legal Rights of the Individuals Detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Vollmers, Otto The Impact of UK and US Anti-Terrorism Legislation on Domestic Asylum Law and their Conformity with International Human Rights Law
Waitai, Rana A Critique of New Zealand Anti-Terrorism Legislation
Wang, Xiaoxuan Confucianism, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Arakaki, Osamu Refugee Law and Practice in Japan: A Comparative Critique and Proposals (PhD Thesis)
Gordon, Melanie Attorney-General v Refugee Council of New Zealand: A Case Note on the Court of Appeal Decision of 16 April 2003
Hattendorff, Silke Living a Discreet, Normal Life?! The Discretion Requirement in Australian and New Zealand Refugee Law
Jenkins, Jasmine Using What you've got: In Defence of the Existing Legal Framework for Internally Displaced Persons
Loan, Jeffrey National Security and the Use of Classified Information: An Analysis of the Security Risk Certificate
Melvin, Geoffrey A Tale of Bias and Manipulation: How the Primary Definition of Refugee at International Law Excludes Most of the World's Refugees
Waitai, Rana A Critique of New Zealand Anti-Terrorism Legislation
Bennett, Mark Indigenous Self-Government and Justice in North America: The Changing Normative Paradigms of Indigenous Autonomy in the Constitutional Frameworks of the United States and Canada
Birdling, Malcolm Healing the Past or Harming the Future? "Large Natural Groupings" and the Treaty Settlement Process
Frances, Rochelle Indigeneity, the Treaty of Waitangi, and Secured Political Representation
Frater, Charlotte The Maori Seats in Parliament: Continuing Justifications for Guaranteed Representation
Hadfield, Kate Equality, Discrimination and Affirmative Action: a Hypothetical Challenge to the Maori Admissions Programme Operated by the Victoria University of Wellington School of Law
Haira, Anne Using Intellectual Property Law to Protect Traditional Maori Cultural Expressions: An Alternative Perspective
Hendrie, Kai Redressing Inequality or Discrimination? The Legality of the Maori Admissions Process for Second Year Law Students at Victoria University of Wellington under Section 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Jackson, Karen 'Symonds Says': Aboriginal Title to the Foreshore and Seabed? The Foreshore and Seabed Bill 2004 and the Common Law of Canada: A Comparative Perspective
Krackhardt, Oliver Beyond the Neem Tree Conflict: Questions of Corporate Behaviour in a Globalised World
Mason, Janet Closing the Gap: Enhancing Parliament's Law-Making Role in Treaty of Waitangi and Customary Rights Issues
Mathieson, Chris Extinguishment of Maori Customary Rights and the Treaty of Waitangi
Northover, Hannah A BORA Section 19 Challenge to the Foreshore and Seabed Legislation
Parkinson, Ana Rough Seas Ahead: the Foreshore and Seabed Past, Present and Future
Richardson, Sarah Problems of Plurality: Maori Customary Fishing Rights and Fisheries Regulation in New Zealand: The Status of Customary Fishing Rights Following the Enactment of the Treaty of Waitangi
Schroder, Mark On the Crest of a Wave: Indigenous Title and Claims to the Water Resource: A Comparative Study of Indigenous Title in the United States of America, Canada, NZ and Australia Featuring an Analysis of Indigenous Title Claims to the Water Resource in New Zealand with Reference to the United States, Canadian and Australian Positions
Schuering, Jens Mana Whenua: Indigenous Land Ownership in New Zealand (LLM Thesis)
Takitimu, Dayle An Analysis of Indigenous Claims under Article 27 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
Taylor, Jessica Seven Maori Seats: Is this Democracy?
Waitai, Rana The Place of Maori Sovereignty in the New Zealand Constitution
Saunders, Darryl Life Insurance Aspects of Death with Dignity Legislation: Pitfalls for Unwary Supporters
Bennek, Marco Digital Rights Management: A Promising and Threatening Tool to Protect Copyright in the Digital Era: An International Perspective
Bevan, Blair Mark Is the Law Colour Blind? Colour Trade Marks under the New Zealand Trade Marks Act 2002
Buettner, Bergit Patentability of Human Genes: Disease Gene Patents: A Case Study of the BRCA Patent Controversy
Busch, Jens Peter Mass-Market Software Supply Agreements: Current Issues in German and USA Law
Colebrook, Ashlar Return to Parma: The Parma Ham Cases and their Implications for the Debate on Geographical Indications
Dutta, Ipshita Effect of Patent Monopoly and Biopiracy on Agricultural Products in Developing Countries like India
Grainer, Jacob The Authorisation of Copyright Infringement Across Borders
Grimm, Thomas Will Copyright Save the Movies? Third Party Film Editors and the International Copyright Obligations of the United States of America
Haira, Anne Using Intellectual Property Law to Protect Traditional Maori Cultural Expressions: An Alternative Perspective
Huang, Shuguang International Trademark Protection under the Madrid Protocol
Krackhardt, Oliver Beyond the Neem Tree Conflict: Questions of Corporate Behaviour in a Globalised World
Lulich, John Shapes: Extending the Boundaries of Trade Mark Law
Nebel, Jens U MED's Position Paper on Digital Technology and the Copyright Act: Legislation without a Solution?
Riddle, Scott The Patenting of Internet Business Methods in New Zealand: A New Battleground in an Age Old War
Röttgen, Sandra The Community Patent System: A Solution to Interpretation Problems Arising under the European Patent System
Sing, Sherenndar Kaur Patents and the HIV/AIDS Drug Crisis in Developing Countries: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment
Stewart, Timothy Securitisation and Copyright: Why Copyright is not an Attractive Asset Category
Von Restorff, H Compatibility of Music Online Delivery with Principles of Copyright Law
Wang, Tian Domain Name versus Trade Mark in Trade Mark Law
Whyte, Murray The Unpatentability of Methods of Medical Treatment
Williams, Troy Dilution in New Zealand, Radical Amendment or Rational Progression: An Examination of the Effect of Section 89(1)(d) of the Trade Marks Act 2002
Zehelein, Gernot The Own Name Defence in United Kingdom and New Zealand Intellectual Property Law
Zhou, Boxue Computer Software Protection in China
Zou, Xiaodong Copyright Protection in China: How Far is it from International Standards?
Zou, Xiaodong Patent protection in China: The Need for a "Fair Use" Doctrine
Bendig, Andrea Responding to Gross: Demolition of Houses in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip Violates International Humanitarian Law
Bennek, Marco Compensation for War Damages
Brill, Michael The Grant of State Immunity to Subordinate State Officials in Case of an International Crime
Bostedt, Frederic Can the United Nations Human Rights Committee Evolve into an Effective "Court" of Human Rights?
Buchanan, Kelly Freedom of Expression and International Criminal Law: An Analysis of the Decision to Create a Testimonial Privilege for Journalists
Cleghorn, Sarah So you Think you Won the Revolution...
Crooke, David The Status of the European Union
Datan, Merav Self-Defence in International Law and Politics: Restraint, Realism and the Policies of the United States and Israel
Datan, Merav Women, Peace and Security: A Feminist Analysis of Security Council Resolution 1325
Dogmeh Saz, Omid The International Court of Justice and its Effectiveness within the United Nations and in Political Disputes
Duignan, Helen Searching for a Line in the Sand: The Status of Military Contractors in International Armed Conflicts and the Meaning of "Direct Participation in Hostilities"
Dunne, Rachel Peace-Support Operations and the Legal Protection of New Zealand Personnel Serving in Foreign Territory: The Regional Assistance Mission in the Solomon Islands
Feistritzer, Florian Independence and Impartiality of the International Criminal Court (A Comparison to the Standards of Independence and Impartiality in the Canadian Legal System)
Feistritzer, Florian The Applicability of the Laws of War to Terrorism
Foukona, Joseph D Solomon Islands: A Nation of Islands in Conflict
Fusswinkel, Oliver The Role and Status of NGOs in Modern Conflict Resolution: Does International Law Reflect the Status Quo?
Gallagher-Scott, Rebecca The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Restrictions on the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in International Humanitarian Law: A Failing in the Drafting or a Houdini Trick of the Hand?
Goschzik, Benjamin Religion and Conflicts
Grewal, Govind Is International Law Really Law? Legal Positivism and International Law
Grimm, Thomas Universal Jurisdiction: Balancing Impunity and Sovereignty
Hallum, Victoria Collision of Norms and Regimes: Fragmentation of International Law and Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
Harry, Laura Child Soldiers: "Light Inexpensive Small Arms"
Hart, Romeo The Laws of War and the War on Terror
Hattendorf, Silke Transitional Justice: The Path to Peace: A Case Study of Sierra Leone
Hosie, Cameron A Different Approach to Resolution 1441: Suspending the Charter
Kemper, Barbara Intranational Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism and Terrorism in the Basque Region
Kemper, Barbara The Legality of the United States' Intervention in Afghanistan
Knipe, Phil Blurring the Borders: The Status of Unincorporated Treaties at New Zealand Domestic Law
Lewis, Hayden The Genocide Convention 1948: Definitional Problems and the Prevention of Genocide
Lidimani, David International Cooperation in Fisheries Management: The Honolulu Convention and the Future of Pacific Island States: A Legal Analysis
Loan, Jeffrey Analysis of the Common Heritage of Mankind: A Viable Alternative to the Antarctic Treaty System
Loan, Jeffrey Sosa v Alvarez-Machain: Extraterritorial Abduction and the Rights of Individuals under International Law
Ma, Giai-Mau The Emerging Right to Democracy in International Law: Does the Right to Democracy "Adhere" to the Right to Peace?
Mawson, Rebekah An Evaluation of New Zealand's Process of Reporting to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
McKinnon, Malcolm C G The Kyoto Protocol: New Zealand's Preferred Policy Package and Industry Response: Should the Government Ratify?
Meiklejohn, Stuart The Changing Place of Regional Arrangements in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
Michels, Lars The Prohibition of Torture under International Law and the "War on Terror"
Nachtwey, Joerg The Former Yugoslavia: An Examination of the Conflict until the Dayton Peace Agreements
Nam, Boutros The United Nations Peace Keeping in Africa: An Option of Humanitarian Intervention in the Great Lakes Region Conflicts
Nicholls, Ruth Corruption in the South Pacific: The Potential Impact of the UN Convention against Corruption on Pacific Island States
Ormond, Eve Compulsory Jurisdiction and the Law of the Sea: The Southern Bluefin Tuna and Mox Plant Cases
Oudyn, Sacha The Guantanamo Detainees: A Discussion of the Legal Rights of the Individuals Detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Palmer, Stephen Article 51 and the Third Millennium: Contemporary Forms of Electronic Attack and the Right of Self-defence
Pauli, Michael How Effective are Measures not Involving the Use of Force in Maintaining Peace and Security? An Analysis based on the Sanction Regimes in Iraq and Libya
Perinpanayagam, N Conflict Resolution in War Torn Sri Lanka
Perinpanayagam, Naresh The United Nations Security Council: A Case for Reform
Persson, Robert Elements of Violence in the Context of Intra State Conflict Management: The Case of Northern Ireland
Reich, Helge Humanitarian Intervention: Need to Intervene Needs Codification
Reich, Helge The Cyprus Question: Infinite Conflict and Chances of Settlement within a European Solution
Riddell, Amanda-Jane High Seas Fisheries Management: Gearing for Compliance
Ryan, Elizabeth-Jane Incorporating Human Security into International Law: Small Steps for International Law; Giant Leaps for Humanity
Schuerle, Carola Legitimacy and Effectiveness of the United Nations: The General Assembly Post Iraq 2003
Schuerle, Carola Susanne The Unification of Cyprus: Legal Opportunities and Limits in the Light of its Accession to the European Union
Stewart, Asha The Oil Platforms Decision: The Approach of the International Court of Justice
Vollmers, Otto Legal Accountability of the UN Security Council for the Imposition of Comprehensive UN Economic Sanctions
Vollmers, Otto The Impact of UK and US Anti-Terrorism Legislation on Domestic Asylum Law and their Conformity with International Human Rights Law
Von Der Goltz, Benedikt Gridlock in International Commercial Contract Law? A Guide for the Handling of CISG, the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the European Principles of Contract Law
Waterworth, Jennifer Nongovernmental Organisations: Designing and Implementing Effective Intervention
Wedde, Frances Guantanamo Bay: Implications for International Humanitarian Law Protections of Detainees in the "War against Terrorism"
Wirakara, Rizal Track Two Diplomacy: An Approach to Disputes Resolution in the South China Sea
Wirakara, Rizal Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and Management of Dispute in ASEAN: A Case of Sipadan and Ligitan Islands
Zimmerman, Verena Self-Defence, Reprisals and Liberal Theory in International Law in Relation to the September 11 Attacks
Ainsworth, Mark Addressing International Regulatory Issues Regarding Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: Development of the Global Compact
Bai, Tian Xia Party Autonomy in International Commercial Litigation Deciding Sales Contract Disputes: Should it be Protected or Limited?
Bartel, Olivia Strengthening the Trans-Tasman Market through the Development of a Single Enforcement Authority for Competition Law: A Comparative View Against the European Background
Chen, Ping How to Respond to Antidumping Charges against China?
Eckhoff, Lars Retention of Title Clauses in International Contracts: An Effective Security Tool?
Fox, Phillippa Trade and Environment in the New Round
Frost, Carsten The OECD Guidelines and Multinational Enterprises
Gard, Sarah The General Assembly's Role in Maintaining International Peace and Security: Iraq 2003 and the "Uniting for Peace" Resolution
Heckmann, Andreas The Effects Doctrine as Part of the Customary International Law: Indications of the EC Merger Control in Boeing/McDonnell-Douglas
Heckmann, Andreas The WTO Dispute Resolution in Antidumping Cases: The Special Standard of Review
Hilton, Andrea Reconciling Articles 14 and 15 of the CISG: Price an Essential Element of Contract Formation
Huang, Shuguang International Trademark Protection under the Madrid Protocol
Juan, Zeng Li Which Rule to Solve the "Battle of the Forms" in International Trade: A study of CISG and UCC Section 2-207
Kallweit, Dominik Towards a European Contract Law: For a Prosperous Future of International Trade
Krackhardt, Oliver Beyond the Neem Tree Conflict: Questions of Corporate Behaviour in a Globalised World
Kusy, Petr WTO Dispute Settlement: A Fair Opportunity for the Least Developed Nations?
Laidlaw, Anais Kedgley Is it Better to be Safe than Sorry? The Cartagena Protocol vs the WTO
Lutz, Henning Criticism of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): Justified or Ancient?
Ma, Giai-Mau The Fragmentation between International Trade Law and International Environmental Law: Is Article 31(3)(C) VCLT the Missing Link?
Pauli, Michael ICSID: The Relationship between Foreign Investment Protection Dispute Settlement and Contractual Claims
Riddle, Scott The Patenting of Internet Business Methods in New Zealand: A New Battleground in an Age Old War
Shkopiak, Talitha The Applicability of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to Computer Software License Transactions
Siegmund, Renate Towards Mediation in International Commercial Disputes
Von Der Goltz, Benedikt Gridlock in International Commercial Contract Law? A Guide for the Handling of CISG, the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the European Principles of Contract Law
Von Der Goltz, B Making the WTO Work Proposals for an Institutional Reform
Von Lojewski, Anke The CISG in New Zealand: Why it should not be Ignored
Von Lojewski, Anke The Enforcement of Annulled Awards under the New York Convention: A Dilemma with no Way Out?
Wang, Shang Issue of the Terms of China's Accession to WTO: The Application of WTO-related Law in China
Wang, Tian The Efforts and Shortcomings of China in Complying with its Commitments under the WTO
Wenning, Holger Safeguard Measures in International Trade
Xia, Bai Tian Trade Usage in International Commercial Arbitration Deciding Sales Contract Disputes: Should its Legal Status be Enhanced?
Zou, Xiadong Copyright Protection in China: How far is it from International Standards?
Dentice, Andrew Opportunity Lost? A New Zealand Perspective on the Abolition of the Lord Chancellor's Office
Grewal, Jivan A Historical Account of Western Natural Law: The Coincidence of Law and Religion
Wright, Fiona Sound Check: Bylaws, Busking and the Local Government Act 2002
Brown, Charlotte Censorship for Art's Sake
Buchanan, Kelly Freedom of Expression and International Criminal Law: An Analysis of the Decision to Create a Testimonial Privilege for Journalists
Grewal, Jivan The Prevention of Journalistic Harm to Reputation: Concurrent Liability in Defamation and Negligence
Hart, Sarah The Regulation of Therapeutic Advertising in New Zealand
Holl, Dany Comparative Advertising in New Zealand: The Interplay between the General Laws and the Comparative Code
Macpherson, Elizabeth Regulating Hate Speech in New Zealand
Mildenhall, Joanne Local Content Broadcasting Quotas for New Zealand Television: A Continuing Story
Potter, William "Come Over Here and Say That": Internet Defamation across Borders
Probst, Christian The NZ Press Council's Adjudications: According to the Rules?
Richardson, Linda The Media: Forgive them their Trespasses?
Beverley, Wendy Failed Sterilisations and Wrongful Birth Cases: What is the Harm Suffered? What Damages can the Parents Claim?
Buettner, Bergit Patentability of Human Genes: Disease Gene Patents: A Case Study of the BRCA Patent Controversy
Buettner, Bergit Selective Abortion and Prenatal Diagnosis: Selective Abortion on Grounds of Foetal Disabilities: Where do we Draw the Line?
Carter, Laura Euthanasia: The Law Reform Question
Duckworth, James HIV and the Right to Privacy: A Legal Analysis of HIV, the Individual, and Confidentiality in the Small Island Nation of Tuvalu: Is there a Need for Change?
Düwert, Henning Medicines via Internet and the Impact on Civil Liabilities: An Assessment of the Situation in New Zealand, the United States of America and the United Kingdom
McKeown, Lisa Reforming the Law Relating to Organ Retention to Prevent another Scandal like Green Lane
Parker, Sarah Legal Parentage of Children Conceived through Assisted Reproductive Technology: Mistaken Conception and the Law
Souness, Gerard Saviour Siblings: Regulation and Ethics
Von Restorff, Henning Post Mortem: Commercial Rights in Personal Attributes?
Auld, Tracee Nationalisation in New Zealand: A Legislative and Labour History of Coal
Baer, Leonard Resource Management Law in NZ and Germany
Clarke, Irene Barriers to Wind Energy Development: The Law and Policy Response
Feist, Iain The Changing Role of the State in New Zealand's Electricity Industry
Fox, Phillippa Bioprospecting in New Zealand
Griffin, Andrea J Pudty Tats and Tweety Birds, Using the Law to Control Domestic, Stray and Feral Cats in New Zealand
Hintz, Carolyn J Private Property and Regulation for the Protection of Natural Resources
Karl, Jason A "New School" Approach to the Economic Regulation of New Zealand's Gas Pipelines
Lidimani, David International Cooperation in Fisheries Management: The Honolulu Convention and the Future of Pacific Island States: A Legal Analysis
Loan, Jeffrey Analysis of the Common Heritage of Mankind: A Viable Alternative to the Antarctic Treaty System
McKinnon, Malcolm C G The Kyoto Protocol: New Zealand's Preferred Policy Package and Industry Response: Should the Government Ratify?
Parkinson, Ana Rough Seas ahead: The Foreshore and Seabed Past, Present and Future
Richardson, Sarah Problems of Plurality: Maori Customary Fishing Rights and Fisheries Regulation in New Zealand: The Status of Customary Fishing Rights Following the Enactment of the Treaty of Waitangi
Riddell, Amanda-Jane High Seas Fisheries Management: Gearing for Compliance
Schroder, Mark On the Crest of a Wave: Indigenous Title and Claims to the Water Resource: A Comparative Study of Indigenous Title in the United States of America, Canada, NZ and Australia Featuring an Analysis of Indigenous Title Claims to the Water Resource in New Zealand with Reference to the United States, Canadian and Australian Positions
Tenew, Yvonne Relationship between Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict Considering as an Example the Central Asia River Basins Amu Darya and Syr Darya
Woitz, Steffen Constitutional Dimensions of Public Utilities: Do Providers of Essential Services have a General Obligation to Supply?
Zandke-Schaffhauser, Birgit The State Approach to Renewable Energy and the Liberalised Electricity Market: The State has to Promote Renewable Energies
Dogmeh-Saz, Omid The Prohibition for Teachers in Germany to Wear the Muslim Headscarf at Public Schools
Moeller, Markus The European Union: Institutional and Political Solutions for a Prosperous Future
Nam, Boutros Blood-Money
Von Der Goltz, Benedikt Decision-Making in the Enlarged European Union: An Evaluation of the Results of the Convention on the Future of Europe
Wang, Xiaoxuan Confucianism, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Agius, Priscilla The Protection of Privacy Interests by Breach of Confidence: Should we Follow England's Example?
Bartel, Olivia Remedies and Awards: A Comparative Study (a Cross-Jurisdictional Study in the Arena of Privacy, with Comparisons with Similar Fields)
Cao, Jingchun Privacy, the Right to Privacy and Privacy Protection in China
Chung, Michelle Corporate Privacy: An Unjustifiable Anomaly
Edwards, Rebecca Privacy of Past Convictions: Why the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 Does Not Provide Adequate Privacy Protection for those with Historic Criminal Convictions
Gordon, Melanie Privacy Rights for Celebrities beyond the Grave?
Grosse-Sender, Ansgar Tracking Devices and Counter Terrorism: Changes in the Summary Proceedings Act 1957
Harding, Emma Compliance Costs and the Privacy Act 1993: Perception or Reality for Organisations in New Zealand?
Hendrie, Kai National Identification Cards in New Zealand: A Dead Duck or a Phoenix?
Lamers, David Doping Control and the Athletes' Right to Privacy under Consideration of the World Anti-doping Code and the European Convention on Human Rights
Marshall, Nicholas Protection of Privacy in New Zealand: Is there a Better Way?
Moeller, Markus The Law of Privacy: A Comparison of New Zealand and Germany
Ng, Stephanie Leave Me Alone! Should the Right of Privacy Be Included in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990?
Shanks, David Online Trading and Privacy
Vogler, Yvonne Air Travel: Privacy?
Wang, Hao A Study of Chinese Privacy Rights: Protect Privacy Rights in Chinese Archives Law
Webb, Kathryn M Did I Say you could Look at my Genes? Legal and Ethical Issues of Iceland's Genetic Database
Whittfield, Nicola Collection and Use of an Employee's Health Information: A Proposed Code of Practice
Withy, Vanessa The Tort of Privacy in New Zealand: Is the Ball out of Court? An Assessment of whether a Privacy Tort is Best Dealt with by the Courts or by Parliament
Clark, Edward The Needs of the Many and the Needs of the Few: A New System of Public Interest Intervention for New Zealand
Wilson, Robyn Jurisdiction Issues in the Disputes Tribunal
Harbrow, Helena Does the 2002 Ombudsman Recommendation Give Landlords the Opportunity to Enforce Outstanding Tenancy Tribunal Orders? Is this at the Expense of a Tenant's Privacy Rights?
Hintz, Carolyn J Private Property and Regulation for the Protection of Natural Resources
Kirk, Samuel A Critique of Ownership (LLM Thesis)
Pulley, Karyn To Write the Right to Property; the Right to Property in New Zealand and its Possible Inclusion in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Schuering, Jens Mana Whenua: Indigenous Land Ownership in New Zealand (LLM Thesis)
Scott, Rebecca Legislation Note: The "Serious Injustice" Debate Section 88(2) Property (Relationships) Act 1976
Von Restorff, Henning Post Mortem: Commercial Rights in Personal Attributes?
Ramsay, Scott Sports Event Safety: Criminal Liability for Sports Event Managers
Rutherford, David Competition Law and Professional Rugby Union in Europe and Australasia
Rutherford, David Employer and Employee in Professional Rugby Union: One Team or Two Sides
Sijbrant, Lynne Rugby Union: One Country for Life: A Reasonable and Justified Regulation?
Knipe, Phil Blurring the Borders: The Status of Unincorporated Treaties at New Zealand Domestic Law
Bracken, Gerard Matthew Loss Attribution by Loss Attributing Qualifying Companies that are Members of a Group of Companies
Bryant, Catherine Examples of Ignoring the Corporate Veil in Income Taxation
Digby, Geoff Family Trusts [Nudge Nudge Wink Wink]
Juan, Zeng Li The Taxpayer's Knowledge of Avoidance Arrangements: A Study of Four Cases
van Schalkwyk, Sybrand Value Added Tax and Financial Services (LLM Thesis)
Agius, Priscilla The Protection of Privacy Interests by Breach of Confidence: Should we Follow England's example?
Barris, William Prying Responsibly: Defamation, Breach of Confidence, Privacy and the Defence of Qualified Privilege
Besier, Antoinette Leaving it all to the Resource Management Act 1991: The Demise of the Tort of Private Nuisance
Beverley, Wendy Failed Sterilisations and Wrongful Birth Cases: What is the Harm Suffered? What Damages can the Parents Claim?
Dean, Miles Inquiries: The Sufficiency of the Protections against Damage to Reputation
Edwards, Rebecca Protect us from Reality: The Legal Obligations of "Reality Television" Producers towards Participants in their Shows
Grewal, Jivan The Prevention of Journalistic Harm to Reputation: Concurrent Liability in Defamation and Negligence
Hallam-Eames, Lucy A Worker's Liability in Negligence in the Course of their Employment: Is the Current State of the Law Satisfactory?
Kavanagh, Jessica Defamation and Minority Groups: What is Wrong with the Right-Thinking Person
Lamers, David Performance-Enhancing Drug Abuse and Tortius Liability: Can the Runner-Up Recover Economic Loss? A Comparison of the New Zealand and the German Law of Torts
Marten, Bevan A Fairly Genuine Comment on Honest Opinion in New Zealand
Percy, Rachel The Effect of a Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression on Defamation Laws
Potter, William "Come over Here and Say that" Internet Defamation Across Borders
Withy, Vanessa The Tort of Privacy in New Zealand: Is the Ball out of Court? An Assessment of whether a Privacy Tort is Best Dealt with by the Courts or by Parliament
Cleghorn, Sarah The Prerogative of War in New Zealand: Is it Time to let it Go?
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